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Showing posts from March, 2017


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) Hi people, it's being a while I've heard the phrase 'Trust in God' like a one billion and one times now. And I've had opportunities to even encouraged a number of people with it.....'Trust in God' flying around like birds... But are we really chilling in the process of trusting in God?  By chilling i mean being rest assured that God is there for you and working it out and you don't have to fear. It is so easy to utter it out of our mouths but most of the times not supported by our actions.  I know already that when i've got that big challenge or trial before me i should trust God for perfect solution.... 'I'll trust in God' i say to myself.  But then do I really trust God as much as i declare?  Do I really allow Him have His way without wanting to interfere with what HE is doing in the process of trusting Him? Don't I jus...