Hi, thanks for visiting your favorite blog again. Today. its all about productivity, so let's jump right into it. PRODUCTIVITY Definition Having the quality or power to bring something into existence, especially in abundance. Synonyms include: Fruitfulness, Fecundity, Creativity, Effectiveness, Profitability, etc. UNPRODUCTIVITY Not effective in bringing something about : not yielding results, benefits, or profits : not productive The reasons we are not as productive as we should be are almost always because we are doing the exact opposite of the 7 points you are about to read shortly or we are not diligent about putting them to work. TIME- MANAGEMENT Before we see the 7 points, I'll like to mention that Time management is crucial to productivity, and it includes tips like 1. Having a time Check 2. Setting a time Limit for every task 3. Using apps for time Management 4. Having a To-Do List 5. Prioritizing 6. Planning Ahead 7. Starting wit...
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