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Hi, thanks for visiting your favorite blog again. Today. its all about productivity, so let's jump right into it. PRODUCTIVITY Definition Having the quality or power to bring something into existence, especially in abundance. Synonyms include: Fruitfulness, Fecundity, Creativity, Effectiveness, Profitability, etc. UNPRODUCTIVITY Not effective in bringing something about : not yielding results, benefits, or profits : not productive The reasons we are not as productive as we should be are almost always because we are doing the exact  opposite of the 7 points you are about to read shortly or we are not diligent about putting them to work. TIME- MANAGEMENT  Before we see the 7 points, I'll like to mention that Time management is crucial to productivity, and it includes tips like 1. Having a time Check 2. Setting a time Limit for every task 3. Using apps for time Management 4. Having a To-Do List 5. Prioritizing 6. Planning Ahead 7. Starting wit...


  FOMO, or "fear of missing out," is a real phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common and can cause significant stress in your life The feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects self- esteem. It is often exacerbated by social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. This is rooted in our lack of knowing who we are. So we constantly go back to media to define us and feed us with who we think we should be based on highlights of other people's lives. This leads to a false sense of identity, and consequently, a live outside of purpose. How do you overcome FOMO? 1. IDENTIFY and ADMIT IT Identifying the presence of a problem is critical to solving it. You can't keep a facade for too long. Admit you have FOMO. Admit the the type of FOMO. And you are on your way to getting out of it. 2. CLARITY OF IDENTITY Truth is FOMO creeps in when you are not...


Stuck or confused are few words we use to describe situations we don't know how to come out of. In the first place, we don't wish to be caught up in them at all, but when when they happen, what do we do? Before I go further, I want you to know these truths;  We will all have our share of this phase in our lives. God will not take you through unnecessary situations Confused doesn't mean you are not Spiritual.  It doesn't mean you are less of a child of God than when you had clarity.  It doesn't mean you are a failure.  It is God putting you in a place of strength.  What should be your response to these confused situations you never prayed for? Let's delve into them one after the other. 1. STOP. DON'T DO ANYTHING! Not doing something when you feel lost and confused is a healthy action. Most of us go back and forth between totally hiding out from our problems at one extreme, and at the other, pushing-pushing-pushing to get life to be better, and that's exha...

What do When: You GET ANGRY

Hi dearest reader,  It's being a minute here. My apologies, I've just found it easier posting contents on Instagram than here. Well let's clear the cobwebs here with the first episode of my current weekly IG series;  #Thechristianwhattodowhen series.  So what is the first episode about. ANGER! This will open your eyes to a lot of things, and really bless you. Do well to share ❤.  ANGER It feels just right I let you in into some WHATS AND WHYS about anger before WHAT TO DO WHEN IT HAPPENS. Definition ; Anger, also known as wrath or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to aperceived provocation, hurt or threat IS ANGER A SIN? No it isn't. It is an emotion. What you do with it can be a sinBe ye angry, and sin not... Ephesians 4:26 KJV WHY DO WE GET ANGRY? We all pick offense or get angry! If you claim otherwise, it safe to say you are not human, lol, or you probably mean you express anger less and differently ...