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Stuck or confused are few words we use to describe situations we don't know how to come out of. In the first place, we don't wish to be caught up in them at all, but when when they happen, what do we do?
Before I go further, I want you to know these truths; 

We will all have our share of this phase in our lives.
God will not take you through unnecessary situations
Confused doesn't mean you are not Spiritual.  It doesn't mean you are less of a child of God than when you had clarity. 
It doesn't mean you are a failure.  It is God putting you in a place of strength.

 What should be your response to these confused situations you never prayed for? Let's delve into them one after the other.


Not doing something when you feel lost and confused is a healthy action. Most of us go back and forth between totally hiding out from our problems at one extreme, and at the other, pushing-pushing-pushing to get life to be better, and that's exhausting.  You really can't do anything to help yourself, that why you are confused. So first, if you’re feeling lost and confused, stop and slow down. Take a break from trying to do everything to make things work. It's good to be okay!


This starts with knowing your identity in Christ in the first place. Know who He has called you. He calls you son/daughter, You are His child. You were created in His image.

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.​ Galatians 3:26 NLT​

Anyone that carries the title son of God is a potential target of the enemy, because he has always opposed God and tried to destroy, kill or steal everything that His name on it. It has everything to do with God than it has to do with you. He is fighting the image of God in you. But be rest assured God will come to redeem His image. You. He will make your joy full.
Apple of God's eye. That's who you are. Let me use this analogy of Blinking. What do you do when a fly comes to mess with your eyes, you blink. Blinking is the first reflex action to protect the eye. It is also always characterized by few seconds of darkness.
When anything comes to harm or destabilize you, God's reflex is to protect you in the secret place of his pavilion. Just like blinking this protection might seem like a moment of darkness for a while. But be rest assured, you are hidden safe in Him, and you will come out victorious


 Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me.                      Psalm 103:2 NLT

Worship is not the typical immediate response to confusion, what we tend to do is seek clarity, especially from books, coaches or mentors.  It is not out of place to seek clarity from these sources, but first things first, seek God through worship. 
While God blinked to protect you, rejoice. Also rejoice in your identity in Him. Be grateful for His goodness over you. Make a practice of praise and worship to God. It is the most powerful response to these situations.
Worship will not just spring forth from nowhere, it comes out of the abundance of the habit of worship that is already in you.

Commit yourself to master the art of praise and worship before this moments of trouble. And when they happen, Just like blinking, your first reflex would be to humble yourself in worship before God. And if we know anything about worship, it is that, IT MOVES GOD TO MOVE!


 Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray..... James 5:13 NLT

Pray for wisdom and clarity. God promises wisdom to all who ask Him for it. He promises to give it generously and not based on our merit. The wisdom of God is greater than any other. It saves completely. 
Pray not to fall into temptation. You will be tempted to take alternative routes to quickly get out of the situation. This alternative route might even look godly, but the question is; Is this God's will or not?

So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves.
Galatians 5:16 NLT

 Living by the spirit is simply living in your identity In God. This means that you have accepted who God has called you, and allow Him lead you. In the same vein, living in the flesh is living outside of your identity in God, living in the lie sold to you by the devil. 
In unpalatable situations, be grounded in your identity in God. Know that the situation has not come to change that. It didn't happen because God disowned you. Lean more into God. 
It is also important to feed your spirit with the Word of God, Recall all his promises  towards you, feed your mind with them. Let them fuel your spirit. 


 The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.
Proverbs 18:21 NLT.

Pressure affect your nature. Don't let the pressure of the moment affect the nature of God in you. Don't speak anything negative to/about yourself . The power of life and death is indeed in your tongue. Like your Father, You can turn chaotic situations around by speaking the word. Instead of analyzing the darkness, switch on the light. Speak the word!


If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 NLT

Be with and speak to the right people. It is  necessary to have Godly people around you that can give you sound advice, as you might not be able to judge matters rightly or advice yourself in such situations. Remember the four friends that made the decision on behalf of their paralyzed friend in mark 2:1- 12? Sometimes you are paralyzed and you need people with Godly hearts, willingness and capacity to walk with you through the situation till victory is achieved. Be conscious build relationships with the right people. Don't wait till you are in dire need of them. Start now.


God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterwards they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.
James 1:12 NLT.

Like Lazarus' sisters, because this situations pressurizes us we desperately seek 'quick deliverance'. But what God wants to do is beyond that, He wants to infuse his life giving resurrection power into the situation. The power that will save you and many! Let God do His thing. Settle for God's best through His ultimate power. Be patient till He shows up.


 But when you Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 
James 1:16 NLT.

While you're waiting, trust God. Be stable in his wisdom and abilities concerning the situation.
Seek wisdom, yeah. But the caveat is that you must believe and not doubt. You must not seek wisdom from sources contrary to God, and at the same time expecting to weigh God's wisdom against others and decide which to will follow. You can talk to godly advisors, and look to God's creation, but you can't weigh His wisdom against that of the world before we decide who to trust. In that way, you end up making a god of our own ability to pick the "right" wisdom from day to day. A stable life is one that has resolved to follow God's wisdom—period!


The godly can look forward to a reward, while the wicked can expect only judgment.
Proverbs 11:23 NLT

Your expectations is simply your heart's yearning to experience God. It tells Him how much you need Him now more than ever before. Give God your attention, expect him to show up.
And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. Acts 3:5 ESV

When next you are stuck or in confusion, I pray you remember to walk in this wisdom.

Till next time.
Pelumi. A ❤


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