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Hi, thanks for visiting your favorite blog again. Today. its all about productivity, so let's jump right into it.



Having the quality or power to bring something into existence, especially in abundance.

Synonyms include: Fruitfulness, Fecundity, Creativity, Effectiveness, Profitability, etc.


Not effective in bringing something about : not yielding results, benefits, or profits : not productive

The reasons we are not as productive as we should be are almost always because we are doing the exact  opposite of the 7 points you are about to read shortly or we are not diligent about putting them to work.


Before we see the 7 points, I'll like to mention that Time management is crucial to productivity, and it includes tips like

1. Having a time Check

2. Setting a time Limit for every task

3. Using apps for time Management

4. Having a To-Do List

5. Prioritizing

6. Planning Ahead

7. Starting with Your Most Important Tasks

8. Delegating and Outsourcing

9. Focusing on one task at a time

10. Making Some Changes in Your Schedule


Can we really manage time? I don't think so. We can't do anything to time. But we can manage ourselves. Without self management, all the time management tips will prove abortive. 

To be optimally productive, you must manage yourself with time. 

Let's see the 7 self management tips for productivity below


Know why everything exist including yourself, your internal and external environment and more.  You are not an after thought or a mere addition to round up the number of people in the world. Tell you what, You are a relevant part of God's global project. God was intentional about creating you for that purpose. 

You were created by the Master- Maker/Creator to be a Maker/creator yourself in the sphere of influence He has placed you.

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). 

“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” — doing good works, making good works(Ephesians 2:10).

At every point,  you are creating something through your actions or inactions, something beautiful, useable, impactful, meaningful, a masterpiece or otherwise. Have a love affair with being a maker.Make discipline your friend too.



We are part of a body, and “the eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you’” (1 Corinthians 12:21)

Studies have shown that having supportive relationships is a strong protective factor against mental illnesses, helps to increase our mental well-being, and consequently heightens our productivity level. They also help us stay positive enough to maintain some level of productivity when life happens.

We function optimally when our social needs are met. These needs are fulfilled when we have a sense of belonging and support from family and friends.

No man is an island. You need people-Supportive people. Those you can bounce off on when you need to. Be supportive yourself. Build supportive network.



The place of rest and leisure is absolutely crucial to your productivity. And I don't advice compromising on them. However, I know you know it when your low- productivity is as a result of sheer laziness. And one thing about laziness is that it makes you weaker and weaker. Try as much as possible not to encourage laziness. Your body speaks, study it to know what it is saying, and act accordingly.

Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.​

Proverbs 10:4 NIV​


Don't be paralyzed by perfection. This quote by historian Arnold Toynbee sums it all up;

"All human work is imperfect, because human nature is, and this intrinsic imperfection of human affairs cannot be overcome by procrastination." 

Waiting another day to make things happen will not take your imperfections away. Make peace with imperfection, set to work already, it gets better as you go, afterall perfection comes with practice (act of doing something regularly or repeatedly to improve your skill at doing it)

                                            5. TAKE PROMPT ACTIONS

 As soon as you feel your mind is fully blown with insights, act promptly. As soon as there is something to do, begin to work towards it.

Ideas, insights, thoughts comes to your mind, you could capture them some way, say, in writing, voicenotes, so you don't loose them. Then you make time for proper planning and creative actions.

                                                 6. STRIKE A LITTLE EACH TIME

Picture yourself cutting a tree. Can you cut it down with just one strike? It's not possible, even if you have the best tool. Put on your creative/maker garment, one strike at a time, everyday, you will make good progress


Let's see Apostle Paul's principle here: "forgetting what lies behind, pressing forward to the goal (Philippians 3:13–14). In other words, never get to the point in your life where you are more contented with what you have already created than you are excited with what is yet to be created. There is more. 

If you apply pressure on it, the creative seed of God in you, can yield as much as 30, 60 to 100 folds!


I know I said 7 tips. That's because I do not count prayer as a tip, but as a glue that holds everything together.

You need inner strength and zeal to achieve all that's listed above, to create and be productive. You need wisdom to know where to expend that strength. There are several scriptures about these that you can create personalized prayers from. 

I hope you put this wisdom to use fto get back to your optimum productivity level and more.

Till next time,




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