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           "We first make our habits,             then our habits make us" Hi friends! Great to be back here. I'm glad you are here too! While praying about what to write, it was laid on my heart to encourage you with these simple but powerful daily habits that will totally transform your spiritual life. I pray that the Spirit of God will help you to read between the lines and get much more than the seven habits I have written here, and also grant you the grace to practice them till they become part of you! The secrets to living a strong, victorious Christian live are not hidden from us. They are just embedded in simple everyday habits. However they do not become habits if we are inconsistent, or unintentional about them. Simple daily routines most of the time determine our results in many areas of life. For instance, your daily facials will definitely result in smooth face. There is no super formula to becoming t...

Positioned for a Purpose

Your position is not your purpose,what God want you to do with it is your purpose. It mainly a platform for its  fulfillment That position is only a tool (a needed one I must say) to help you facilitate the purpose of God. He is not interested in putting you in positions for position sake. No! He definitely want you to do something with it . He has placed a profitable ripple effect of that position inside the purpose, which if we fail to realize and do, we will not be fulfilling His will. When we talk about positions, minds mostly think the financially buoyant, statesmen, title holders etc. Not at all. We are all specifically positioned somewhere  (location or status wise) and we must be useful for God there. Understanding this helps us to grasp the fact that we don't need to be the richest, highest, most popular and so on before fulfilling purpose.        Let's see John the Baptist in Matthew 3.  The bible described where he reside...


I read quite few articles about the Deers and their panting habits. They get a reasonable supply of water from their food, but really need more to maintain their body fluid level by constantly drinking from water brooks here and there, especially the ones located in a very quite and serene area. But as I read further I realise beyound maintaining body fluid level, panting after water is a survival mechanism for them in their habitat. Come along.  As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God. My inner self thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? Psalm 42:1‭-‬2 AMPC This scripture metaphorized our souls' panting after God as the deer's panting after water. At this point let us define Panting - It is a longing for or to do something either out of exertion or excitement. Here are few insights I got about deer and the water brook, and how it is a perfect example of how our heart and ...


We were all born into this sinful world and inherited sin. When we think about the cross, we are reminded that Jesus Christ came to sacrifice Himself for our sins. He took our sins and transgressions upon Himself and gave to us His righteousness. We were declared 'discharged and acquainted' by God through Jesus Christ. However, this is just the beginning of a lifetime journey. From the time we got saved, we would have to make choices either according to the flesh or the Spirit of God. We would have to renew our minds by the Spirit and Word every seconds that we breathe. If we don't, it would make it easier for the devil to keep us at the primary level of being saved and not live as God children and ambassadors here on earth.  When you got saved, it was an entry into the Kingdom of God, and living by continuous renewal of your mind by the word of God and a Spirit controlled life is what will sustain you here. You wont slip away. If we become so passive to remain as we ...


Good morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn. My actual all time favourite book!  I remember I was so scared of reading this book because I didn't have the accurate knowledge about the Holy ghost. But has God would have it some weeks after, He began to teach me about His Spirit in the best language and manner I could digest and understand. Talk about a good father, God is. The highlight of what He taught me was that He is my friend, ever present friend that is always around, gently waiting for me to engage Him in my day to day activities. He never leaves even when every other person leaves.  I studied this book alongside the book of John Chapters 14 to 16 (highly recommended!). By the grace of God it was such a great experience studying this book. It stirred me up from within,and I must say my communion with the Holy Spirit and walk with  God made a great leap! Here is a link to download the book;

Good read (01)

    1.  DESTINY by Bishop RD Jakes The very first time I handled this book.... I gave myself reasons why I didn't have the time to read it. And so I didn't. Talk about how your body corporate with your mind to do or not to do something. But at the moment.... I'm reading this book, hallelujah! It's being eye opening and transforming. There is more to destiny than what you know or what they've told you. And you'll only discover and fulfil (It's a cycle) it as you make decisions to go with the 'You' God made you to be. Download the book here:

Goodread (00)

Goodreasdssssssssssss! Hi friend..... here I will be sharing with you some books I have read. And Yes, if I have them in E-books, I will gladly share. Lets go on this journey together. ......the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet!