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I read quite few articles about the Deers and their panting habits. They get a reasonable supply of water from their food, but really need more to maintain their body fluid level by constantly drinking from water brooks here and there, especially the ones located in a very quite and serene area. But as I read further I realise beyound maintaining body fluid level, panting after water is a survival mechanism for them in their habitat. Come along. 

As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God. My inner self thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? Psalm 42:1‭-‬2 AMPC

This scripture metaphorized our souls' panting after God as the deer's panting after water. At this point let us define Panting - It is a longing for or to do something either out of exertion or excitement.

Here are few insights I got about deer and the water brook, and how it is a perfect example of how our heart and whole life generally should be in relation to the Living water of God, and would like to share with you.

 From the above scripture, We are the deer and God or His presence is the water brook. So lets see how this applies to us.

The water brook is a Place of Satisfaction: You would never appreciate the effect of a chilled water if you've never had to have it after a long walk in the sun. So much satisfaction. I bet this is how deer feels when they lap after water. The bible says having a glass of cold water when thirsty is as good as receiving good news from a far country. Now, if ordinary cold water fives that level of satisfaction, how much more the Living water. Much more indescribable satisfaction I tell you. It is too good to be true, words can't describe how you feel.

The water brook is a place of Peace and Tranquility: After running around or feeding on every other thing, the deer starts panting, and finds a water body located in a very calm and quiet area, and comfortably stretches his neck to get some drink till it is satisfied. If for any reason the level of calmness it desires is absent, the deer moves away, in search for another water body that suits it's need. "If I need to get water, I must get it at a peaceful spot, outside of chaos" It says to itself. It is known that they drink 2 to 3 quarts of water per day per 100 pounds of body weight. That means they drink several times in a day. In the same vein, everyday after we must have traversed everywhere we must according to our commitments, jobs, studies, careers e.t.c, we need a daily supply of perfect peace. Your need for something should ultimately propel you to go get it, but how you get it matters a lot. Although one can source for peace through any other means outside of God, it is not a perfect peace I must say. The presence of God represents the perfect peaceful water brook that we must constantly drink from. And we need to make daily moves towards God and God only to restore your peace and tranquility.

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

A place of Comfort and Rest: The water from the brooks gives the deer enough comfort for as long as it remains there. You raise the bar of your comfort and rest above the troubles around you as long as you pitch the tent of your life by the Living water of God. The moment you stop residing by that water, you are not guaranteed total comfort and rest. God's presence really really comforts your soul and gives you rest from distress.

A place of Safety: It is a source of defense and therefore safety for the deer. Deers are known to race towards the water body to escape imminent danger from predators. They go as far as swimming and kicking in such a way that they drown their predator. They know this about themselves and the water, and therefore take advantage of it quickly. Do you know that God is your defense and safe place? And in this case, you don't even have to struggle with the predator all by yourself. Once you run to Him in your helplessness, like a Warrior father, God stands up and defends you, his child and delivers you with a great deliverance indeed! Oh how you are so well defended and safe in His hands!

A place of Total Reception: They race to the water brook with complete resolve that they would not be rejected. They will be well received, and so they just simply go. Either by running, crawling in excitement, pain, flight or fright, once they get to the water, it is guaranteed they will be accepted, and they just hide in it. We can say the water delights in receiving them. The Father delights in receiving you at all times, in any state you might be in. Wide-armed He runs to you as you, ready to embrace you in as you run to Him.

A place of Renewed fragrance: I read that once the deer finds its way to the water brook, every trace of its former fragrance is totally wiped out. It takes an entirely new one. And the longer it stays by the water the more pleasant it's fragrance becomes. It is the same thing with us and God. The more you stay in God, the more the transference of His fragrance to you sweeter and pleasant the fragrance of your life. Have you ever hugged someone for so long you start smelling like them? Yeah, that's it! So literally have a great relationship with God and 'hug' Him so much, you will start to 'smell' like Him.

A place of Life: Water gives life. After they've being drained of their body fluids by their normal metabolism and the sun, they know to go look for water, lap on it till they are satisfied. If not, they will get extremely dehydrated and probably die as a result of that.
How long do you think you can live without drinking water? Not very long. You can live a long time without food, but not without water. Have you ever been really thirsty, so much you thought you were going to die? There is no feeling like it. Your soul is thirsty, you begin to search everywhere for water. Drugs, drunkenness, fame, money cannot satisfy you, talk more of imparting life into you! But drink of the water that Christ offers and you will thirst no more, have life both here and beyond, and even begin to give life yourself because you now have in you a well of eternal life.

....but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life" John 4:14.

There was a woman, she had an empty life. Her expectations in life had faded. She was no longer expecting, no longer hoping for anything different, she was on the same old treadmill. She had been married five times, searching for satisfaction in them, but still unhappy, dejected and heartbroken. When Jesus met and spoke to her she was living with a man who was not her husband.
“Come to the waters; drink of the living fountain,” Jesus told her. She came, drank of the living water, she received life that began to well up in her so much that she went about announcing it - giving life.

Have you being there? In a place of thirst and desperacy? You have searched all over and now drinking of dirty, muddy, troubled, waters? Stop! Now, you know where the clear, still, life giving water is. You know what the Living water supplies. Will you waste no time and go after it already?

For you that has stopped longing, or slacking at it, will you start racing towards Christ, the Living water now? He has being waiting for you.

Do you anticipate appearing before God after everyday's activity?

Are you panting? 


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