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Good day everyone.

Responsiblity means the state or act of having a thing to do or deal with.... and being Responsible is doing those things.

 We are responsible for quite a number of things that we know of but many times we claim to be too busy and we are nottaking them up. Diverse number of ways we can influence the people around us by the way we live our lives.....which our responsibilities is taking a greater niche. Not taking up our responsibilities is just like being lazy to me, remember ;"no food(profit) for a lazy man". I will like to split up our responsibilities into three categories; Personal responsibility, Responsibilities to humanity, Responsibilities to God.
  • Probably i need to remind us that we are responsible for whatever it is we do with ourselves. Either you are an adult or still think of yourself as a kid (Galatians 6:5)we all have onething or the other that we need to do for ourselves like studying,our businesses, profession, taking care of what we eat or drink,keeping healthy and so many others. As a student, vividly, the primary responsibilities to yourself is to make sure you attend classes, study hard and well, do whatever assignment given to you, be of good conducts and follow all the rules and regulations of the school. Basically dot every I's and cross every T's needed for you to succeed in your academics. That means one has to be up and doing, diligent and swift in action... not procrastinating what you're supposed to do right there and at the moment. Same thing applies to parents: there are lots of responsibilities they have to take up both in the family and place of work. Just as they take care of themselves as an individual, they also take care of the children and significant other. You don't leave what your family you claim to love and not do what you are supposed to do as the breadwinner or homemaker of the house. Someone you love should always be dear to you that everything about him or her and everything you do to such person is out of concern and love just as Christ loves us.
  •  Given the kind of society we are in, we all have roles to play one way or the other so everything will be whole when put together. Take for example, the human body we have several organs and parts to it. Now if the head refuse to house the brain will the feet take that responsibility up.... i can't even picture anybody having his brain under his foot. Or if the eyes refuse to visualize objects, will the hand do that instead? Of course not, they are all kept in place for different purposes to fulfill in the body... and they all take it up(Romans 12:6-8). Whatever organization or gathering we find ourselves we should make sure we contribute our own quota no matter how little it may seem. Imagine if everybody were to be responsible, the leaders, parents, workers, professionals, name it, the world would have being a better place to be. You see that young man in need.... help in your own little way, you encourage others, you give to the needy, you correct in love, you pray for others and the nation, and many more.... you  are already taking up your responsibilities towards humanity. However, when you do all these things, do it with heartily(Colossians 3:23). 
  • Another part of our responsibilities in life is towards our Creator. This is actually where so many miss it. We are all so busy busy busy with various activities that we forget our primary purpose in life. everyone has been ordained by God to go forth and preach the word of God to all and sundry (Mark 16:15). Just few people do that. Well.... in as much as we are diligently taking up our responsibilities in other areas of our lives, why don't we take this up too. We are always quick to claim the promises ad prayers of God for us... but do we do what He commands us to do? Do we even take our time to know what He wants us to do or not? We all want to receive God but barely plays our own role. I'll liken this responsibilities of us to God to be like that between a master and his servant... the servant wants all the goodies from the master but he is not at his service or maybe mumurs when needed by his master to do something....tell me, will such master wholeheartedly give his servant the attention or whatever he wants? That is how it feels like when we dont regard God and His commandment... we only go to Him with crocodile tears and ask for whatever we need. As a merciful and kind God that He is, He grants us our heart desires.....but this is like getting what you didn't work for, however, when we combine our own responsibilities towards Him with His faithfulness and mercy towards us , it will be a greater blessing unto us. Deuteronomy 28: 14 says all about what will be ours if and only if we obey God wholeheartedly and the latter part of the chapter says otherwise(nobody wants that). You might be thinking that it is way too much to obey all of God's commandment and please Him, but He also promised us grace to abide in Him(2 Corinthians 12:9) in as much as you re ready and willing to obey Him no matter what He will make it easy for you. When you do this.... even your other responsibilities no matter how difficult to fufill they might be will be easy for you to carryout because you have the Greatest Helper with you.
   Imagine what life would be if we all diligently take up all responsibilities wholeheartedly towards ourselves, man and God. There will be less vices in the society, we will have good and God fearing leaders that take care of their responsibilities over their followers, more diligent and successful people, and overall a healthy society to live in. Let us all ask God to help us be responsible in all we do... in our dealings with men and God and i pray He will help us in Jesus name.

Thanks for reading and God bless!


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