Hello reader(s), I hope God takes this little piece you are about to read and give wonderful meanings that will benefit you to it in your lives as you read

Many times we find ourselves in certain instances that we've tried and tried as much as we can to make the situation better but all to no avail. We are faced lot of times by challenges that weigh us down so bad that we really want to give up. When things are not going the way we want it.... We start feeling useless and questioning the reason for our existence, just as probably these men would have questioned the reason why they came out that night to fish and maybe they would have also thought of the fact that they weren't going to survive it if they don't get any fish to catch for them to sell and bring food to the table.... Maybe that was what clouded their minds. Just as you are facing a challenge today and wondering what will become of you, what will happen next, and so on..... Well as read in the Bible story we are talking about, Jesus Christ came to their rescue just when they were packing up. But before he did something spectacular happened. It actually proved that even in our weakness and most vulnerable states God can still use it for good to Glorify His name. We see here that Jesus was able to teach some group of people in the same boat these fishermen left because they weren't making progress in their fishing; What they thought wasn't useful to them became a useful instrument in God's hands. That created enough space for Him to preach to lots of people. I can imagine Him sitting in that boat with multitude of people all over a whole bog span of land at the bank of the sea. If Simon Peter and the others were successful in their quest there wouldn't have been that kind of scene in the story.... probably people won't be as much and what we are learning from here today wouldn't surface. Of course Jesus Christ would have made use of somewhere else but the fact that he decided to make use of that same point where some people left because they failed, to bring people successfully closer to God is glorious. And it just teaches us that at any point or circumstance in our lives we aren't useless. God can still bring good things out of our lives no matter how dead or useless we feel we are at the moment. Now, this is where I will implore anybody in any form of difficulty to even still worship and give glory to the Almighty God. It should not be a time for us to start thinking if God is there or not.... we shouldn't give the devil a upper hand over us. Our faith and trust in God to strengthen and help us should be as strong as it could be. This is even when we need to be stronger in the Lord and prove to the devil and people around us that 'The Lord is our strength' because He knows it all and in our weakness His strength is made perfect (2 Corinth 12:9). He is sovereign and knows everything we don't know, he made us and knows everything about us even those ones we don't know yet.
Another thing we need to consider here is that when Jesus Christ came to their rescue.....he required them to do something which probably seem stupid to them. He told them to launch their nets back into the sea and even the deep part at that (Luke 5:4). First, as a fisherman, Simon would have been taken aback by what Jesus requested him to do. Probably he thought in his mind 'This man knows nothing about fishing' And asking them to cast the net into the deep part too sounds amateur as an expert fisherman. The fishes are probably in hiding since their place of abode had been disturbed throughout the night..... They wouldn't want to come out and be victims. But he still obeyed anyway and we see the outcome was that they caught plenty of fish and that was splendid. What if he felt too big and didn't obey Christ? Christ told them to do the same thing they've engaged in all night and in the most amateur way of fishing. What if he left in anger thinking that wasn't the solution to their problem? He wouldn't have witnessed such miracle and manifestation of God's strength and power at that moment. And that would be at his loss because Christ was trying to help him. But he obeyed as promptly as he could and God surprised him. God might decide to use the simplest thing to bring about solution to any problem. Something you think is the dumbest to do is probably what will serve as the solution to that whole big situation.Let's take a look at the story of the man with leprosy, he was told to dip himself seven times in river Jordan to get cured. He hesitated at first because he felt that was too simple to be a solution for him.... Just dipping himself in water! Or he was probably expecting one very ground moving miracle over him immediately and he also felt other rivers around him were better afterall and why he had to go to Jordan, he didn't understand.Thank God for the servants who persuaded him to go ahead and obey the word of God that came to him through the Prophet(2 kings 5:10-15).Thank God for him it wasn't too late, because God was patiently keeping his miracle there for him. That was why I stated earlier that we should be closer to God in our trying times. We shouldn't find solutions in wrong places or wrong hands. Take it back to God and He will help you. And whatever it is He proffers as solution to our problems shouldn't be questioned, it should be followed with prompt obedience. God is all knowing, He knows what is best for us at any point of our lives..... He is Almighty after all and if we decide to be stiffnecked He is still God. I pray we will not be disobedient and we will open our minds to whatever God requires us to do in Jesus name. Amen!
So,this is just an encouragement to anyone out there that seem to be drowning in the sea of life, facing one thing or the other in life. You've being outweighed by life and almost giving up or you've even given up already, I want to assure you this moment that God is still on the throne. He will strengthen you, open your eyes to the solution, bring you out of it soon and your life will be a testimony. And you wish you had declared the sufficiency of His strength earlier than this. God is coming through soon!
Thanks for reading. God bless!
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