Hi there.
Hope the week has been good to you? If not, I sincerely pray it does.
I really can't make up my mind if to title this piece Conduit of Good Works or Purpose, but I believe the good works God has called you to conduct at a particular point or span of time is Purpose. Reason why you have them both. Feel free to interchange Purpose for goodworks and vice versa.
From the verse above, God is telling us that we are saved through Christ into the kingdom of God (a candidate of heaven), but also transformed, renewed, molded,carved and made ready to be used for the good works which He has already superintended us to do. This pretty much sums up a christian's life.....living in and following the path the Creator had in mind for you. This is the will of God.
I believe we know that we are saved by grace for good works and not saved because we do good works. "8. for it is by grace (God's remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ)grace that you have been saved through faith. And this salvation is not of yourselves(not through your own efforts), but it is the (undeserved, gracious) gift of God; 9. not as a result of your works (nor attempt to keep the law) ,so that no one (will be able to) boast or take credit in any way (for salvation) Ephesian 2:8,9. The purpose of good works isn't to change or save us but it is the demonstration of the change (salvation through grace) within us.
Read what I've learnt (and still learning) over time about these verse especially Ephesians 2:10 in the few points below;
Hope the week has been good to you? If not, I sincerely pray it does.
I really can't make up my mind if to title this piece Conduit of Good Works or Purpose, but I believe the good works God has called you to conduct at a particular point or span of time is Purpose. Reason why you have them both. Feel free to interchange Purpose for goodworks and vice versa.
"For we are His workmanship(His own master work, a work of art), created in Christ Jesus(reborn from above... spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used) for good works, which God prepared (for us) beforehand (taking paths which He set), so that we would walk in them(living the good life He which He prearranged and made ready for us)" Ephesians 2: 10.
From the verse above, God is telling us that we are saved through Christ into the kingdom of God (a candidate of heaven), but also transformed, renewed, molded,carved and made ready to be used for the good works which He has already superintended us to do. This pretty much sums up a christian's life.....living in and following the path the Creator had in mind for you. This is the will of God.
I believe we know that we are saved by grace for good works and not saved because we do good works. "8. for it is by grace (God's remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ)grace that you have been saved through faith. And this salvation is not of yourselves(not through your own efforts), but it is the (undeserved, gracious) gift of God; 9. not as a result of your works (nor attempt to keep the law) ,so that no one (will be able to) boast or take credit in any way (for salvation) Ephesian 2:8,9. The purpose of good works isn't to change or save us but it is the demonstration of the change (salvation through grace) within us.
Read what I've learnt (and still learning) over time about these verse especially Ephesians 2:10 in the few points below;
Overcome Passivity: If we were saved just to mind our souls only and sit down there waiting for heaven to fall on us, I don't think you and I would be saved today. The called preacher that would have reached you is not doing his 'good works'. He is (only) guarding his salvation jealously. Great, but there is more. Ignoring the possibility of being a passive Christian would be too costly especially these days that most people are claiming to mind their businesses. We go ahead to develop ourselves and be better persons in all ramifications of life, but still want to 'mind our businesses' alone. Of what use is self development (spiritual, emotional, physical,e.t.c) if it can't be harnessed towards making other lives better. You can't improve on yourself for you only. If my growth and development does not impart people around me, bless and make them better, I'm probably still on the same level, and deceiving myself big time. And It is safe to say I am still part of the problems around me since I am not proffering solution of any kind. Anytime you feel so numb towards the good works you are called to do, I want you to remember that you are about to miss the opportunity of using the grace, empowerment/ developments, gifts God has deposited in you. Let your light so shine before men, that may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16. As long as you are in the world, you are the light of the world. You shouldn't be any less. Discover your purpose in that niche (no matter how small) God has carved out and placed you in and do your good works. That's a really nice way of fully minding your business....minding the business the Father has put before you.
Ugly heads of oppositions/distractions: I'm sorry to say this, but the devil does not like it when you are living purposefully for God. This is why it sometimes gets tougher when you are truly occupying for God as you should and lives are getting blessed through you to the pleasure and glory of God. To every action of good works you are doing for God, there is always an opposite if not equal (because John 4:4) reaction from the devil. He will use everything and everyone possible to distract you. Still you should not be moved. Potiphar's wife, at a point was a source of distraction and opposition against Joseph's assignments in that house, but He still pressed and did just what he should be doing and nothing otherwise.
The devil can even capitalize on some personality traits in you, and make you almost convinced you can't deal. For example if you are naturally a reserved and shy person (like me), It takes extra effort to actually initiate conversation and continue in it, talk more of speaking to a number of people. As you would have it, talking is very crucial for the good works God has called you to do. The devil already has that shyness or whatever it is as a tool to distract you with. It is now on your part to realize that you have upper hand over him in God since He has given you everything pertaining to life (that he prearranged and made ready for you) and godliness. Pray, put the extra effort, develop yourself, make yourself available, then watch God do awesome stuffs through you like He did through Gideon.
Another thing the devil uses to oppose you is the horrible past. He keeps reminding you of how you were not the best kind of person back then, and so you are not qualified and capable of doing good works. News flash.... you are a new person now, a precious child of God (and you won't cease to be in Jesus name), remade for signs and wonders. Tell the devil to pocket his opinions and get lost with it! It is not about your past it is about what God is doing through you now. See there is actually no one with a clean slate and totally qualified for what they've been called to do, but that is why God is the QUALIFIER of the unqualified. If He told you to do it, you've been qualified.
Do good works even when you are not good; "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we do not faint!" Galatians 6:9
One thing that can make you wane in doing good is having a pressing need in your life that is not met yet. It almost normal at this point to want to give up or not function in the full capacity of your purpose. Still you can't afford to slow down. There is someone out there in need of what you have inside of you! Jesus Christ was not 'good' when he ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well. He was hungry, he had needs to be met, but still met that woman's need.
Realize that your needs will be met at the appointed time in the course of your good works, remember God has purposefully predestined this life for you. Inside this life He structured for you is the solution to every problem you would ever face. God's goodness for your life will find you in the good works He has set before you to do. Let see Joseph for example; Joseph was doing his good works even while in prison. It was recorded in scriptures that the prisoner's keeper committed all the other prisoners' welfare to Joseph's hands. When the butler and chief baker of Pharaoh among them had dreams that gave them concern because they couldn't understand it, they wore long faces. Joseph noticed this and cared so much as to ask them what the matter was. And when he was told the dreams, he relayed the meaning to them as God gave him understanding. He did his good works without letting the reality of his situation step in. He paid attention to the problems of others (and not his), didn't complain about it, (If we were in his shoes, most of us would given credit to overeating as the cause of these guys 'flimsy' dreams) he listened to them and proffered solutions to it according to the gifts God has given him. He probably does not know when he will be out of prison as well, but he was getting his good works right. Pharaoh had a dream two years after which made him summon Joseph to his court because he was remembered for his previous accurate interpretations. He could have chosen to bitter towards the whole of Egypt then and refused to interpret the dream and what needs to be done to save Egypt from famine. Nobody bothered to hear him out and maybe set him free. They only called him to interpret dreams. You know that mindset of; since I'm not getting my needs met through them, they are not getting theirs met. Oh what a great deal of setback that would have been for him! He would have lost a lifetime opportunity. Again thank God, he did his good works diligently and was uplifted to be an Overseer over Egypt next in command to Pharaoh. The goodness of God found him in his good works!
There is pure joy derived from walking in God's purpose and will for your life and that it actually pleases Him.You are not only called into the kingdom, but to do kingdom business and be fruitful to God's glory and for your joy! God has given you the honor of working for and with Him. Ask what it is specifically he would have you do and He will surely tell you. In fact I think you know already have a glimpse of it, you are just not convinced enough to start walking in it. I'm encouraging you today to rise up and accept this purposeful honor. Set to work now, it is not too late!
I know there is a lot to know about purposeful living and doing good works for God than I have written here. That why my prayer for us all is this;
"9. For this reason, since the day we heard about it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking (specifically) that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom (with insight into purposes), and in understanding (of spiritual things), 10. so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (displaying admirable characters, moral courage and personal integrity) to (fully) please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing in the knowledge of God (with deeper faith clearer insight and fervent love for His precepts); 11. (We pray that you may be) strengthened and invigorated with all power, according to His glorious might, to attain every kind of endurance and patience with joy; 12. giving thanks to the father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints(God's people) in light" Colossians 1:9-12.
Let's be Conduits Of Good Works unto God together!
Ugly heads of oppositions/distractions: I'm sorry to say this, but the devil does not like it when you are living purposefully for God. This is why it sometimes gets tougher when you are truly occupying for God as you should and lives are getting blessed through you to the pleasure and glory of God. To every action of good works you are doing for God, there is always an opposite if not equal (because John 4:4) reaction from the devil. He will use everything and everyone possible to distract you. Still you should not be moved. Potiphar's wife, at a point was a source of distraction and opposition against Joseph's assignments in that house, but He still pressed and did just what he should be doing and nothing otherwise.
The devil can even capitalize on some personality traits in you, and make you almost convinced you can't deal. For example if you are naturally a reserved and shy person (like me), It takes extra effort to actually initiate conversation and continue in it, talk more of speaking to a number of people. As you would have it, talking is very crucial for the good works God has called you to do. The devil already has that shyness or whatever it is as a tool to distract you with. It is now on your part to realize that you have upper hand over him in God since He has given you everything pertaining to life (that he prearranged and made ready for you) and godliness. Pray, put the extra effort, develop yourself, make yourself available, then watch God do awesome stuffs through you like He did through Gideon.
Another thing the devil uses to oppose you is the horrible past. He keeps reminding you of how you were not the best kind of person back then, and so you are not qualified and capable of doing good works. News flash.... you are a new person now, a precious child of God (and you won't cease to be in Jesus name), remade for signs and wonders. Tell the devil to pocket his opinions and get lost with it! It is not about your past it is about what God is doing through you now. See there is actually no one with a clean slate and totally qualified for what they've been called to do, but that is why God is the QUALIFIER of the unqualified. If He told you to do it, you've been qualified.
Do good works even when you are not good; "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we do not faint!" Galatians 6:9
One thing that can make you wane in doing good is having a pressing need in your life that is not met yet. It almost normal at this point to want to give up or not function in the full capacity of your purpose. Still you can't afford to slow down. There is someone out there in need of what you have inside of you! Jesus Christ was not 'good' when he ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well. He was hungry, he had needs to be met, but still met that woman's need.
Realize that your needs will be met at the appointed time in the course of your good works, remember God has purposefully predestined this life for you. Inside this life He structured for you is the solution to every problem you would ever face. God's goodness for your life will find you in the good works He has set before you to do. Let see Joseph for example; Joseph was doing his good works even while in prison. It was recorded in scriptures that the prisoner's keeper committed all the other prisoners' welfare to Joseph's hands. When the butler and chief baker of Pharaoh among them had dreams that gave them concern because they couldn't understand it, they wore long faces. Joseph noticed this and cared so much as to ask them what the matter was. And when he was told the dreams, he relayed the meaning to them as God gave him understanding. He did his good works without letting the reality of his situation step in. He paid attention to the problems of others (and not his), didn't complain about it, (If we were in his shoes, most of us would given credit to overeating as the cause of these guys 'flimsy' dreams) he listened to them and proffered solutions to it according to the gifts God has given him. He probably does not know when he will be out of prison as well, but he was getting his good works right. Pharaoh had a dream two years after which made him summon Joseph to his court because he was remembered for his previous accurate interpretations. He could have chosen to bitter towards the whole of Egypt then and refused to interpret the dream and what needs to be done to save Egypt from famine. Nobody bothered to hear him out and maybe set him free. They only called him to interpret dreams. You know that mindset of; since I'm not getting my needs met through them, they are not getting theirs met. Oh what a great deal of setback that would have been for him! He would have lost a lifetime opportunity. Again thank God, he did his good works diligently and was uplifted to be an Overseer over Egypt next in command to Pharaoh. The goodness of God found him in his good works!
There is pure joy derived from walking in God's purpose and will for your life and that it actually pleases Him.You are not only called into the kingdom, but to do kingdom business and be fruitful to God's glory and for your joy! God has given you the honor of working for and with Him. Ask what it is specifically he would have you do and He will surely tell you. In fact I think you know already have a glimpse of it, you are just not convinced enough to start walking in it. I'm encouraging you today to rise up and accept this purposeful honor. Set to work now, it is not too late!
I know there is a lot to know about purposeful living and doing good works for God than I have written here. That why my prayer for us all is this;
"9. For this reason, since the day we heard about it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking (specifically) that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom (with insight into purposes), and in understanding (of spiritual things), 10. so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (displaying admirable characters, moral courage and personal integrity) to (fully) please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing in the knowledge of God (with deeper faith clearer insight and fervent love for His precepts); 11. (We pray that you may be) strengthened and invigorated with all power, according to His glorious might, to attain every kind of endurance and patience with joy; 12. giving thanks to the father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints(God's people) in light" Colossians 1:9-12.
Let's be Conduits Of Good Works unto God together!
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