Hi everyone, welcome to the end of the year...lol. It's being such a ride. In few hours we'll exit year 2018 vehicle enter into this vehicle called YEAR 2019. Exciting right?
Earlier in the week, my mind was so heavy,and couldn't point out any reason for that. Well, Hillsong to the rescue. While I was soothing my mind with that, I came across the best end of the year message of my life by Apostle Joshua Selman. It really helped me take proper review of my year and life. By the time I was done, I discovered (by being sincere with myself) what I'd done well or not too well this year, the results of my actions or inactions this year. I got insight into what I want next year to be for me and how to go about it.
Why do a year end review? Here are four simple reasons;
1.To identify your lessons for the year
2. Review what has happened this year
3. Regain focus
4. Start the new year on a high note.
Here is a glimpse into my note from the message: Maximizing Personal Retreat.
1. Thanksgiving: Without God , what can we do! Thank God for everything He has done for you all days of this year. Don't say "God i thank you for everything" I'm so guilty of this sometimes. Be very specific in your thanksgiving. For instance, say; "God I thank you for healing my friend of breast cancer, thank you for settling my school bills". When we pray, we don't say; God please do everything.....we had specific request, we gave Him details of what we wanted. Let's be very detailed and meticulous in our thanksgiving too.
2. Review the present year; There is need for you to be sincere with yourself while doing this reviews, because you don't want to repeat the same mistakes. You don't want to lay new blocks on old/deformed foundation. You should be very sincere with yourself, and most importantly allow the Holy spirit pin point those areas of inadequacies to you. As He will be correcting you, take to corrections. If you allow the Holy Spirit to thoroughly do these reviews with you, you will get to a point that you will feel the nudge to ask God for forgiveness for not doing so well this year, when He has lavished you with resources. Please do!
a. Spiritual life: You want to ask yourself questions like.... How is my passion for God? Did I give the Holy Spirit the whole of me, a par of me or even nothing at all? Did I get more or less illumination and revelation of the Word? What was my disposition to God's word? Did I conform to His words or took it with levity? What is my growth curve like? If you are able to give positive answers to these questions, thank God for helping you. Pray that He'll help you more in the next year, and be ready to go higher with Him. If yours is the other way round or even somewhere in between, don't feel sad or give up. Determine to take away those things that won't allow your growth. Ask the Father for grace to grow.
b. Mental development/transformation; This entails a stock of how much relevant information you have acquired this year, how you allowed the Holy Spirit to influence your my mind, how I aligned my mentality to His'. What improvement have I made to my mindset. What are my attributes and Character now, and how did they add to my environment?
c. Health/Body: It is a sin to be careless with the temple of God, which is your body. How much have you cared for your body this year. How careless have you being with it?
d. Assignments/Purpose/Kingdom service: Did I occupy myself with purpose? Did I go about everything as though beating the air, with no center of focus? Did I invest my resources into building myself up for better fulfillment of my purpose? Did I make purposeful progress this year? If you are unsure about your purpose, you should ask yourself questions like; Did I ask God diligently for my purpose in life? Did I work towards discovering myself? Did I use the talent(s) He has given me or bury them? Did I populate or depopulate the kingdom of God this year?
e. Finances; How much did God place in my hands this year? Did I surrender it back to God? Was I wise in my spending? Did I give in proportion to God's blessings or less? what do I know about finances(books, models etc)? What did I do to increase my income streams?
f. Relationships:
What's my relationship with the Holy Spirit like?
Whose presence in my life diminished my productivity this year?
Whose presence accelerated my productivity this year?
Whose presence developed me?
Did I make any irrelevant(not necessarily bad) friends this year?
Who or what do I need to lay off?
How is my relationship with family/friends/loved ones?
Was I good to them?
Did I help 'sharpen' them?
3. Plan for the next year; If you were not sincere with yourself in the above reviews, there is absolutely no point planning for the new year. If you were sincere as you should be, go on and plan.
a. Set clear goals according to the areas mentioned above (and more that you can think of)
b. Back them up with scriptures (There is power in the Word!).
c. Allocate time to these goal; Helps you prioritize, get more done in less time, keeps you on track.
d. Pray, pray, pray! He says we should cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares. However praying without planning is playing without knowing!
e. Search for the resources you need, and maximize every one of them for your growth. If you are the reading type, read books on how to better in all areas of your life. You are the visual type, there are so many messages on youtube for you. You are the auditory type, there are so many podcasts to listen to. If you are everything listed here, well that's good, lol. Go ahead and tap into these resources
As I mentioned earlier, I took this notes from this message; Maximizing personal retreat by Apostle Joshua Selman. Here is the link to it. You can make your own notes and share with others.
On this note, let's start the year! Never forget to look back from time to time in course of the year to give yourself a pat on the back or to push yourself to do more! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Have a fulfilled year.
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