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Do the right things even if you're among the minority

One time or the other in our lives we've made decisions basically because we have realized that we were previously wrong and had to make everything right. Now making it all right does not come without a price/ prices to pay for it. This is the part so many people don't want to talk or hear about and that is why most people just turn back from making that right decision they ought to.Here is a little story :

        A young orphan, Mark struggled his way through to the university with the little jobs he did, he supported himself and was doing fine. All of  sudden he was dismissed from the job and couldn't fend for himself anymore. He had to live on what friends gave him. He had a clique of friends that were richer than him and it seems like he was their errand boy whenever he is around them. But he didn't really care about that, he was carried away with paying his school fees, feeding and getting a new job if possible. He had asked his friends countless number of times what job they are into and how they go about it to be able to feed and help with his fees, but none of them were willing to divulge the information to him. He felt they would tell him when the time is right, and consoled himself with the fact that he is also hardworking and would get a new job by searching well enough. But one day, he felt so miserable about himself and went with rage to his friends house with the mindset that they will have to introduce him to their job or he is not leaving their house. On getting to the door of the room, he overheard their conversations and discovered they were armed robbers..... he was shocked and couldn't contain everything he heard. He went home shakily that morning. He is now torn between leaving his friends(that catered for him) and going back to his previous struggles. A part of him kept reminding him of what he is bound to loose if he leaves his friend and another was telling him to flee from them because, one , they are all going against the law- obviously no law of a state or country supports robbery and two, against God's commandment (Exodus;20) as clearly stated in the Bible. Clearly he knew he had a price to pay. He will loose all the monetary and material support he got from them, which means he will have to work extra hard.

       This story definitely oppose the saying: "if you can't beat them join them". No person in his right mind will join such evil activity talk more of a Christian.... the Bible says in Ephesians 5:7" Be not ye therefore partakers with them. We are supposed to be found everywhere righteousness is exalted and not among evil doers. We will one day reap the fruits of the works of our hands; to the evil doer his' and the righteous his too (Proverbs 21:16, Isaiah 3:10). 

The choice to do the right thing, however might mean we will be among the minority, just few sets of people that want the right things, yeah, so far it is right and backed up by the word of God, we shouldn't back-off. There are also several benefits of doing the right thing; God is happy about it..... you have peace of mind, your conscience is not disturbing you and likewise you have people of like minds who are at peace and happy with you.

     You might not have robbers as friends as illustrated by the story above, or it might not even be about your friends, it might be about find yourself in place of work where virtually everyone change figures, dupe the organisation and you were introduced to such..... you shouldn't be carried away by whatever unworthy profit coming out of that instead your watchword should be RIGHTEOUSNESS. Or maybe you find yourself among friends that engage in all sorts of immoralities, you should flee from them so as not to be negatively influenced.

Wrong doings seems 'cool' to the world but it shouldn't be cool to you as a child of the FATHER of righteousness...... you're supposed to be like him. My dear friends you have to retrace your steps back and stand for the RIGHT no matter what.  Do the right things both when people are watching and when they are not...... GOD is closely keeping tabs on you.Thanks for reading..... comments are welcomed.


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